
Why PTA?
PTA offers training for its members through annual workshops, conferences, and conventions. Other groups have no established system for training.
Both Alabama and National PTA provide all units abundant, up-to-date material on issues related to children, family, education, and legislation. Other groups do not have access to that information.
PTA is the oldest and largest volunteer advocacy association working exclusively for children on the national, state, and local levels. Other groups have no structure to influence political decisions beyond one school.
PTA works in coalitions with state and local agencies, state and local school boards, other nonprofit organizations, and concerned individuals to inform the public on issues and to advocate for legislation based on or benefit the needs of children. Other groups do not have a coalition-building network.
PTA is a network of parent-teacher associations in all the states. Other groups are individual school-based with no network.
PTA addresses the needs of all children in the local community, state, and nation. Other groups address the needs in one school only.
PTA offers stability and structure through the use of required bylaws and the handbooks from Alabama PTA and National PTA. Other groups often function without bylaws, thereby giving the organizations no guaranteed means of operation or structure.
PTA offers all units low-cost liability and bonding insurance. Other groups must either seek independent insurance coverage or depend on the school system . (Most school insurance does not protect parent group members and officers against liability, nor does it cover non-school sponsored activities.)
PTA represents parents and teachers in Alabama and over 4.5 million parents and teachers nationally. Other groups represent only the members in one school
PTA units in Alabama automatically receive 501(c)(3) federal income tax exemption. Other groups have responsibility of securing their individual federal tax exemption (requiring a filing fee, articles of incorporation, and more.) Even if another group applies for this status, the IRS does not guarantee acceptance.