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Recess Hero
Restore Recess!
We are facing a National Mental Health Crisis. Alabama schools chronically rank in the lowest performing schools nationwide. Still, according to AL PTA's 2019 survey, about 1/3 of Alabama's kindergarten through 5th grade students are not allowed daily recess. It is time for Alabama to implement this common sense, no-cost, research-proven intervention for improving cognitive performance and mental health: RECESS.
Look below to find out what Alabama parents and teachers are saying about recess in our Alabama PTA Recess Survey Results, see what types of recess legislation other states are drafting, or just browse the research and news articles on the benefits of recess.
And don't forget to register as a Recess Hero so that you'll receive action items and updates on the state of recess in Alabama!
First Step Acheived!
Alabama's Course of Study for Physical Education, adopted in 2019, includes language stating that "It is considered best practice for all students to receive a minimum of 20 minutes of daily, unstructured activity time."
Alabama PTA and our partner organization, Alabama Families for Recess, played a crucial role in advocating for inclusion of this statement and the additional recess recommendations which can be found in this current edition. While the course of study shares the benefits of recess and emphasizes that recess cannot replace P.E., it stops short of requiring implementation of daily recess.
Next Step:
We must demand that our legislators pass a bill requiring a minimum of 20 minutes daily free-play recess.
Remind elected officials that continued learning takes place on the playground.
In our "Recess Laws" section below you can find a few examples of current recess legislation around the country. The overwhelming demands of legislated seat minutes often prevent teachers and administrators from affording the luxury of recess. In reality, recess is a vital part of a successful school day. Many states have found legislative answers to address this problem.
What You Can Do Right Now:
Print and share the Alabama PTA Recess White Page, one of the policies, or resolutions available below with your child's classroom teacher and principal.
Contact your elected officials and let them know that Alabama families want the no-cost & research-proven intervention of daily recess implemented to
Improve Student Mental Health​
Improve Academic Performance
Improve Classroom Behavior
Reduce Lunch Food Waste​
Post recess information on your local unit's social media and other communications.​
Conduct a "Play In" at a local playground, sharing information and collecting signatures of supporters.
For more ideas check out captions in our "Getting Started" gallery below.
Recess Necessities:
At least 20 minutes daily, supervised, unstructured free-play for children preK-5th.
Free-play recess may not be withheld for academic or punitive reasons.
Recess shall not be a substitute for daily P.E.
This is
your child's brain
after recess.

Alabama PTA Recess Documents
Alabama PTA
Recess Survey
Alabama PTA
White Page
Alabama PTA
Recess Resolution
Research & News Articles
National PTA Recess Resolution
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement
Gallup Survey of National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASP) Position Statement
Society of Health And Physical Educators (SHAPE) Guide for Recess Policy
"Strategies for Recess in Schools," CDC, U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services
"The Crucial Roll of Recess in Schools," Journal of School Health
"Withholding Recess as Discipline in Decline," Education Week
Recess Laws
Arkansas Bill Proposed 2019
Connecticut Bill Proposed 2019
New Jersey
Curriculum guidelines in most states recommend recess, but the recommendation is overridden by more explicit mandates about instructional time.
To back up recess recommendations, many states have drafted legislation to assure recess for all elementary students.
The links provided include examples of legislative action.
Getting Started
Click through the photos for suggestions. Please share YOUR ideas in the Recess Hero form!