Select and meet with a committee to plan your membership campaign.
Let the treasurer or president know when members, and how many have been entered into MemberHub so they may remit payment to Alabama PTA.
Keep a master list of all members in MembersHub.
Perform other duties as listed in the By-Laws.
PTA Membership Cards:
Cards are available via MemberHub. If members have provided their email address, they can log on and print their own card.
If your members do not have the capability to print their own card, please contact Alabama PTA for help in obtaining cards for your members.
A PTA card should only be issued in one name, not as Mr. and Mrs.
The membership card is valid from July 1 through June 30 each year, unless your By-Laws state otherwise, and entitles its owner to attend and participate in State and National PTA sponsored events.
Members may be asked to show a current membership card at PTA meetings. A current membership card is required to register as a voting delegate at the Alabama PTA and National PTA annual conventions.
Your National PTA ID# should be used on your membership cards. Contact the state office if you need your ID#.
National PTA has a large amount of resources.
Be sure to create an account to access the toolkit.
Leadership Training Videos
Courtesy of
Huntsville Council of PTAs
Membership Resources: