
Local Unit Templates
Choose appropriate template
Birmingham City Council Units
Huntsville City Council Units
Jefferson County Council Units
Macon County Council Units
Madison City Council Units
Mobile County Council Units
Montgomery County Council Units
Non Council Units
The templates below are for PTA Councils only; not local units.
Bylaws are the rules the local unit must follow. They are adopted and amended by a vote of your unit’s members at a general meeting. PTA bylaws may not conflict with the bylaws of the PTA national organization or the state PTA. If you can’t find a copy of your unit’s bylaws, contact the state office to obtain one. All officers should be familiar with the local unit bylaws. Any member has a right to view them.
Bylaws provide the following important information:
The structure of the local unit board
Information on required meeting dates (may include how meeting notification is given)
Nominating committee formation
How and when to conduct elections
Dates for the fiscal year
Requirements of a quorum for conducting business
For more information:
All Alabama PTAs must update By-Laws once every 3 years to remain in good standing.
1. Use the appropriate template provided on the left.
2. Include a completed submission form.
Local Unit By-Laws Submission Form​​
3. Email to or mail to 3066 Zelda Road, PMB 252, Montgomery, AL 36106.
4. If you have not received a reply after two weeks, follow up by email.
Templates are by council and non council.
If you don't know what council you belong to, it can be found in MemberHub Unit Data Page found under Manage Unit Data as the Parent Organization. Non Council units will have Alabama PTA as their Parent Organization.
Unit belonging
to a Council

Unit does not belong
to a Council

Requirements for By-Law Approval
There are certain sections and articles of the By-Laws that are taken from the By-Laws of the National PTA and Alabama PTA, and they must read exactly as shown on the sample. The other articles are necessary in order to have a functional association and are written by the local PTAs to fit the local autonomy of the association.
By-Laws should be updated and approved every three years from the date of the approval seal of last approved bylaws. Even if there have been no local changes, there may have been changes in the parts required by National and Alabama PTA. These will be in the latest local unit template By-Laws which can be obtained through the state office or downloaded from above.
Whenever amendments are made by vote of the local unit membership, the By-Laws must be rewritten to include the new amendments and sent for approval. When approved, the By-Laws will carry the seal of approval with the new date.
By-Laws should be emailed to
Standing Rules
Your PTA may have standing rules that provide process and details that are not contained in the bylaws. Standing rules must not conflict with the bylaws. Unlike bylaws, standing rules may be changed from administration to administration or from meeting to meeting.